NDECC Women's Day of Action in Philly

NDECC Women's Day of Action in Philly

By National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Council (NDECC)

Date and time

Saturday, November 5, 2016 · 10am - 3pm EDT


Parc Rittenhouse

225 South 18th St. Philadelphia, PA 19103


Dear Friends,

Please join dozens of fabulous women for an NDECC Women's Day of action in Philly! We're going to kick-off the final Saturday before the election at the beautiful Parc Rittenhouse for a light breakfast and remarks from a few special speakers. Afterward, we'll walk down the street to the Hillary for America campaign headquarters to pick up our packets and directions for canvassing. Then we'll hit the ground walking door-to-door supporting Hillary and other Democrats down the ticket!

10:00 AM - Breakfast at the Parc Rittenhouse

11:30 AM - Walk to Hillary for American Campaign Headquarters

12:00 PM - Canvassing for Hillary and Democrats down the ticket

We're very excited you'll join us for this special opportunity. For those traveling from Washington, D.C. or New York to Philly, please let us know as we're organizing caravans carpooling together.

Contact Christine Warnke at (202) 549-0524.

Organized by

CONTACT:  Alexandra Chalupa, NDECC Co-Chair, alexandrachalupa@gmail.com / 202-341-9788

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